Friday, October 18, 2013

Crustless Quiche Recipe

Crustless Quiche Recipe

This crustless quiche is kind of amazing! I was so pleased at the way it turned out, I just had to share the recipe with you! As usual, I just used whatever I had on hand. Feel free to substitute with any veggies you like or already have. I had some beautiful campari tomatoes that were on the verge of getting too ripe, a big bunch of kale, and swiss chard from the garden.

We planted a variety of greens in December and the kale and swiss chard are going crazy right now! I LOVE the fact that I can now use fresh, homegrown veggies in my recipes. There’s nothing like eating fresh produce from your own garden!! I will have to do a garden post soon. We are also raising baby chicks (for their eggs, not the meat) so in the next few months I’ll be able to post a recipe like this using all ingredients from our little urban farm. So exciting!!

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